

Sunday, June 2, 2013

5 Reasons Why You may have to Earn Money Online

I woke up today at around 6:00 am in the morning, quite late according to my standards. what shocks me though is the amount of time scrolling through my internet wannabe phone and my laptop which soon even class one students will have. By 10:00 am i should have done including making my bed , but i will sleep again so am justified.

Am now fully awake to reality as the text am reading right now goes something like"Sorry, you do not have insufficient...." you know the rest , i'll buy 1000 bob airtime with money from todays pinned post. It is an apology perhaps for the harsh reality mouth is free but "mouthpiece " is not. So today i'm going to tell you why you should be making money online. Forgive my mastery of the language, it is what makes me a blogger.


First of all we spend a lot of time online on our phones and laptops. We are either facebooking tweeting or texting or whatsapping. Imagine being paid per hour to be on facebook...FORGET IT!! no one will  BUT you can blog , have your own website, write articles  or start a group on facebook.
Let me start with the last as it is a personal favourite. Do you know Soko kuu, Gikosh Dotcom. All those are groups on facebook that make money. How?


Simple, first you create a group with a purpose e.g selling, a group for dog breeders, models e.t.c and gather enough members. I say you get 5,000 members after  a month or less depending on how good you are. If your page has an audience that other businesses consider as potential clients e.g you have a group for models, modelling agencies, salons, cosmetics people would like to have a post pinned  on your page. They pay for that. For example as an administrator in Gikosh Dotcom we charge 300 ksh per pin per day while soko kuu charges around 2000 Ksh per pin per day. Gikosh is catching up fast you better join.

Now i have told you how facebook could make you money....I have a date with the barber today, I like my hair like my blog, Short and loose. Good day Blessed Sunday! Gosh the reasons are not even 5. Forgive I....(author has left the room and has not closed the incognito tabs).

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